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 Fellow on the road with you in the right direction 


With a fellow traveler, any difficulty or challenge becomes a journey of experiences and opportunities.

​​Amit La’Derech is a non-profit organization
devoted to helping discharged Israeli Defense
Force (IDF) soldiers from disadvantaged
backgrounds in the process of re-entering
civilian life.

what are we doing?

תמונה מערב הצמדות.jpg

Counseling and guidance for education and careers 

We operate in three main axes: employment, education and soft life skills while empowering and increasing the sense of self-efficacy. The individual work is surrounded by a wide umbrella that helps  Achieve his goals through academic assistance, partnerships with institutions of higher education and vocational training, employer relationships, assistance in emotional therapy, a scholarship system and more. 


Opening doors for personal and financial independence

The mentor is a significant figure who helps and helps pave the way in the areas of employment, education, housing and more. In addition, the young people participate in professional content workshops and sessions that support their personal program and provide them with tools and knowledge that will help them with citizenship such as: financial management, decision making, employment and more. 


Accompanying discharged soldiers to success

A moment after release? Can I offer you a travel companion? such a  To accompany you on the path to achieving your goals? Say .. Housing, integration into employment, completion of education, acquisition of a profession, exercise of rights ...

Natalie | Graduate of a traveling companion

'' I think this program is a gift program in the full sense of the word! Thanks to this gift, many young people can discover new ways of dealing with life ... and among the most important things to understand is that they are not alone! 'So glad I got into the program, I have no words to describe how lucky I feel.' '

Main | A discharged soldier

'' In the program, I received enriching and relevant workshops for my stage in life, and I met Martha - my guide in the program. We see each other every week, and you could say that I feel personal progress and see internal processes that I go through with her help and thanks to the program. "

Novel | Graduate Fellow of the Road

'' When I met Menachem I felt that there was a connection, we had the same hobbies, trips, sports, military past and he throughout the process gave me the feeling that I could share it and that he was here to listen. I feel like a lot of things have changed for me, especially self-confidence ''

Sharon | Mentor

'' I came to the association thanks to the company I work for, believing that each of us has potential that can be realized. My goal was to help those young people and exile and realize the abilities that lie within them while providing the tools I acquired from my life experience. ''

Join us on the road


Organization / company?

A traveling companion invites you to join our Partnership Club and make a significant social contribution that yields immediate results. 
There is no greater formation for a department from a common goal with successes alongside it.



This is no longer volunteering, this is the decision to join a quiet revolution that seeks to allow every young man and woman in Israel the opportunity to step in the right direction for him and create good together. 
This is the opportunity to do something for someone else.

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Map, compass, water - is there?
Do not go out navigating in life without an experienced guide.
This is your chance to meet a guide, someone who has been through everything and can help, guide, and open doors for you.

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